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- /**
- ** $Filename: misc/DeliPlayer.h $
- ** $Release: 2.0 $
- ** $Revision: 2.15$
- ** $Date: 22/06/95$
- **
- ** Definitions and Macros for creating DeliTracker Playermodules
- **
- ** Stripped include file version for use with ADPCM-Player only.
- ** DeliTracker's NotePlayer interface is private and may change at any time!
- **
- ** please contact Peter Kunath before trying to create your own players
- ** using the NotePlayer interface
- **
- ** (C) Copyright 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995 Delirium Softdesign
- ** All Rights Reserved
- **
- **/
- #ifndef EXEC_TYPES_H
- #include <exec/types.h>
- #endif
- #ifndef EXEC_PORTS_H
- #include <exec/ports.h>
- #endif
- #include <utility/tagitem.h>
- #endif
- #include <intuition/screens.h>
- #endif
- /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- #define DELIVERSION 17 /* Current Version of DeliTracker */
- #define DELIREVISION 4 /* Current Revision of DeliTracker */
- /* -------------- The declarations for the interface functions --------------- */
- extern __asm APTR dt_GetListDataAddr(register __d0 ULONG num);
- extern __asm ULONG dt_GetListDataSize(register __d0 ULONG num);
- extern __asm BOOL dt_LoadFile(void);
- extern __asm void dt_CopyDir(void);
- extern __asm void dt_CopyFile(void);
- extern __asm void dt_CopyString(register __a0 STRPTR string);
- extern __asm BOOL dt_AudioAlloc(void);
- extern __asm void dt_AudioFree(void);
- extern __asm void dt_StartInt(void);
- extern __asm void dt_StopInt(void);
- extern __asm void dt_SongEnd(void);
- extern __asm void dt_CutSuffix(void);
- extern __asm void dt_SetTimer(void);
- extern __asm void dt_WaitAudioDMA(void);
- extern __asm struct Screen *dt_LockScreen(void);
- extern __asm void dt_UnlockScreen(void);
- extern __asm void dt_NotePlayer(void);
- extern __asm APTR dt_AllocListData(register __d0 ULONG size, register __d1 ULONG memflags);
- extern __asm void dt_FreeListData(register __a1 APTR memblock);
- /* ------------------------ Player Function Offsets -------------------------- */
- struct DeliTrackerPlayer {
- ULONG RTS_code;
- UBYTE ID[8];
- struct TagItem *TagArray;
- };
- /* The TagItem ID's (ti_Tag values) for the player interface follow. */
- #define DTP_Dummy (TAG_USER + 0x4454)
- #define DTP_InternalPlayer (DTP_Dummy) /* obsolete */
- #define DTP_CustomPlayer (DTP_Dummy + 1) /* player is a customplayer */
- #define DTP_RequestDTVersion (DTP_Dummy + 2) /* minimum DeliTracker version needed */
- #define DTP_RequestKickVersion (DTP_Dummy + 3) /* minimum KickStart version needed */
- #define DTP_PlayerVersion (DTP_Dummy + 4) /* actual player version & revision */
- #define DTP_PlayerName (DTP_Dummy + 5) /* name of this player */
- #define DTP_Creator (DTP_Dummy + 6) /* misc string */
- #define DTP_Check1 (DTP_Dummy + 7) /* Check Format before loading */
- #define DTP_Check2 (DTP_Dummy + 8) /* Check Format after file is loaded */
- #define DTP_ExtLoad (DTP_Dummy + 9) /* Load additional files */
- #define DTP_Interrupt (DTP_Dummy + 10) /* Interrupt routine */
- #define DTP_Stop (DTP_Dummy + 11) /* Clear Patterncounter */
- #define DTP_Config (DTP_Dummy + 12) /* Config Player */
- #define DTP_UserConfig (DTP_Dummy + 13) /* User-Configroutine */
- #define DTP_SubSongRange (DTP_Dummy + 14) /* Get min&max subsong number */
- #define DTP_InitPlayer (DTP_Dummy + 15) /* Initialisize the Player */
- #define DTP_EndPlayer (DTP_Dummy + 16) /* Player clean up */
- #define DTP_InitSound (DTP_Dummy + 17) /* Soundinitialisation routine */
- #define DTP_EndSound (DTP_Dummy + 18) /* End sound */
- #define DTP_StartInt (DTP_Dummy + 19) /* Start interrupt */
- #define DTP_StopInt (DTP_Dummy + 20) /* Stop interrupt */
- #define DTP_Volume (DTP_Dummy + 21) /* Set Volume */
- #define DTP_Balance (DTP_Dummy + 22) /* Set Balance */
- #define DTP_Faster (DTP_Dummy + 23) /* Incease playspeed */
- #define DTP_Slower (DTP_Dummy + 24) /* Decrease playspeed */
- #define DTP_NextPatt (DTP_Dummy + 25) /* Jump to next pattern */
- #define DTP_PrevPatt (DTP_Dummy + 26) /* Jump to previous pattern */
- #define DTP_NextSong (DTP_Dummy + 27) /* Play next subsong */
- #define DTP_PrevSong (DTP_Dummy + 28) /* Play previous subsong */
- /*--- functions in revision 14 or higher (distributed as Release 1.35) --- */
- #define DTP_SubSongTest (DTP_Dummy + 29) /* Test, if given subsong is vaild */
- /*--- functions in revision 16 or higher (distributed as Release 2.01) --- */
- #define DTP_NewSubSongRange (DTP_Dummy + 30) /* enhanced replacement for DTP_SubSongRange */
- #define DTP_DeliBase (DTP_Dummy + 31) /* the address of a pointer where DT */
- /* stores a pointer to the DeliGlobals */
- #define DTP_Flags (DTP_Dummy + 32) /* misc Flags (see below) */
- #define DTP_CheckLen (DTP_Dummy + 33) /* Length of the Check Code */
- #define DTP_Description (DTP_Dummy + 34) /* misc string */
- #define DTP_Decrunch (DTP_Dummy + 35) /* pointer to Decrunch Code */
- #define DTP_Convert (DTP_Dummy + 36) /* pointer to Converter Code */
- #define DTP_NotePlayer (DTP_Dummy + 37) /* pointer to a NotePlayer Structure */
- #define DTP_NoteStruct (DTP_Dummy + 38) /* the address of a pointer to the */
- /* NoteStruct Structure */
- #define DTP_NoteInfo (DTP_Dummy + 39) /* a pointer where DT stores a pointer */
- /* to the current NoteStruct Structure */
- #define DTP_NoteSignal (DTP_Dummy + 40) /* pointer to NoteSignal code */
- #define DTP_Process (DTP_Dummy + 41) /* pointer to process entry code */
- #define DTP_Priority (DTP_Dummy + 42) /* priority of the process */
- #define DTP_StackSize (DTP_Dummy + 43) /* stack size of the process */
- #define DTP_MsgPort (DTP_Dummy + 44) /* a pointer where DT stores a pointer */
- /* to a port to send its messages */
- #define DTP_Appear (DTP_Dummy + 45) /* open your window, if you can */
- #define DTP_Disappear (DTP_Dummy + 46) /* go dormant */
- #define DTP_ModuleName (DTP_Dummy + 47) /* get the name of the current module */
- #define DTP_FormatName (DTP_Dummy + 48) /* get the name of the module format */
- #define DTP_AuthorName (DTP_Dummy + 49) /* not implemented yet */
- /*--- functions in revision 17 or higher (distributed as Release 2.07) --- */
- #define DTP_InitNote (DTP_Dummy + 50) /* NoteStruct initialization */
- #define DTP_NoteAllocMem (DTP_Dummy + 51) /* allocates memory for module */
- #define DTP_NoteFreeMem (DTP_Dummy + 52) /* frees module-memory */
- #define DTP_PlayerInfo (DTP_Dummy + 53) /* a pointer where DT stores a pointer */
- /* to the current Player Taglist */
- #define DTP_Patterns (DTP_Dummy + 54) /* FPTR to a pattern-count routine */
- #define DTP_Duration (DTP_Dummy + 55) /* FPTR to a duration calc routine */
- #define DTP_SampleData (DTP_Dummy + 56) /* FPTR to a sample-info routine */
- #define DTP_MiscText (DTP_Dummy + 57) /* FPTR to a misc-text routine */
- /* end of player interface enumeration */
- /* --- various flags --------------------------------------------------------- */
- #define PLYB_CUSTOM 0 /* player is a customplayer */
- #define PLYF_CUSTOM (1<<0)
- #define PLYB_SONGEND 1 /* player supports songend */
- #define PLYF_SONGEND (1<<1)
- /*--- flags defined in revision 17 or higher (distributed as Release 2.07) --- */
- #define PLYB_ANYMEM 2 /* modules of this player don't require chipmem */
- #define PLYF_ANYMEM (1<<2)
- /* --- DeliTracker message --------------------------------------------------- */
- struct DeliMessage {
- struct Message Message;
- ULONG (*Function)(void);
- ULONG Result;
- ULONG DTMN_ArgumentD0;
- ULONG DTMN_ArgumentA0;
- };
- /* --- DeliTracker NotePlayer ------------------------------------------------ */
- struct NotePlayer {
- UWORD npl_LeftChannels; /* max. number of left channels this noteplayer supports */
- UWORD npl_RightChannels; /* max. number of right channels this noteplayer supports */
- ULONG npl_Flags; /* misc flags (see below) */
- ULONG npl_MaxFrequency; /* max. frequency this noteplayer supports (-1 if unlimited) */
- ULONG npl_Memory; /* memory type for samples (e.g. MEMF_CHIP) */
- UBYTE npl_Reserved[16]; /* reserved for future use (must be 0 for now) */
- };
- struct NoteStruct {
- APTR nst_Channels; /* pointer to a list of notechannels */
- ULONG nst_Flags; /* misc flags (see below) */
- ULONG nst_MaxFrequency; /* max. frequency of this player (28,867 Hz in DMA mode) */
- UWORD nst_MaxVolume; /* max. volume of this player (in most cases 64) */
- UBYTE nst_Reserved[18]; /* reserved for future use (must be 0 for now) */
- };
- #define NSTB_Dummy 0 /* only a dummy-NoteStruct (no NotePlayer needed) */
- #define NSTF_Dummy (1<<0)
- #define NSTB_Period 1 /* Amiga period supplied instead of frequency */
- #define NSTF_Period (1<<1)
- #define NSTB_Signed 9 /* sample data is signed linear (2's complement) */
- #define NSTF_Signed (1<<9)
- #define NSTB_8Bit 17 /* -"- bytes */
- #define NSTF_8Bit (1<<17)
- struct NoteChannel {
- APTR nch_NextChannel; /* next channel in the list (NULL if last) */
- ULONG nch_NotePlayer; /* for use by the noteplayer (the deliplayer must ignore this) */
- WORD nch_Reserved0; /* reserved for future use (must be 0 for now) */
- UBYTE nch_Private; /* just what it says */
- UBYTE nch_Changed; /* what has changed since last call */
- WORD nch_StereoPos; /* set this field when the InitNote function is called */
- WORD nch_Stereo; /* describes "where" this channel is supposed to play */
- APTR nch_SampleStart; /* ^sampledata */
- ULONG nch_SampleLength; /* size of sample */
- APTR nch_RepeatStart; /* ^repeat part of sample */
- ULONG nch_RepeatLength; /* size of repeat part */
- ULONG nch_Frequency; /* frequency (or period) of sample */
- UWORD nch_Volume; /* volume of sample */
- UBYTE nch_Reserved1[26]; /* reserved for future use (must be 0 for now) */
- };
- #define NCHB_Sample 1 /* one-shot part of sample has changed */
- #define NCHF_Sample (1<<1)
- #define NCHB_Repeat 2 /* repeat part of sample has changed */
- #define NCHF_Repeat (1<<2)
- #define NCHB_Frequency 3 /* frequency has changed */
- #define NCHF_Frequency (1<<3)
- #define NCHB_Volume 4 /* volume (or pan position ???) has changed */
- #define NCHF_Volume (1<<4)
- #define NCHD_FarLeft -32767 /* play only on left speaker */
- #define NCHD_FarRight +32767 /* play only on right speaker */
- /* ---------------------------- Global Variables ------------------------------ */
- struct DeliTrackerGlobals {
- /* ------ if you use dtg_AslBase, make sure that */
- /* ------ DTP_RequestDTVersion is at least 13 ! */
- struct Library *AslBase; /* library base, don't CloseLibrary()!! */
- struct Library *DOSBase; /* library base -"- */
- struct IntuitionBase *IntuitionBase; /* library base -"- */
- struct GfxBase *GfxBase; /* library base -"- */
- struct Library *GadToolsBase; /* librarybase -"- (NULL for Kick 1.3 and below) */
- APTR ReservedLibraryBase; /* reserved for future use */
- STRPTR DirArrayPtr; /* Ptr to the directory of the current module */
- STRPTR FileArrayPtr; /* Ptr to the filename of the current module */
- STRPTR PathArrayPtr; /* Ptr to PathArray (e.g used in LoadFile()) */
- APTR ChkData; /* pointer to the module to be checked */
- ULONG ChkSize; /* size of the module */
- UWORD SndNum; /* current sound number */
- UWORD SndVol; /* volume (ranging from 0 to 64) */
- UWORD SndLBal; /* left volume (ranging from 0 to 64) */
- UWORD SndRBal; /* right volume (ranging from 0 to 64) */
- UWORD LED; /* filter (0 if the LED is off) */
- UWORD Timer; /* timer-value for the CIA-Timers */
- APTR dtg_GetListData;
- APTR dtg_LoadFile;
- APTR dtg_CopyDir;
- APTR dtg_CopyFile;
- APTR dtg_CopyString;
- APTR dtg_AudioAlloc;
- APTR dtg_AudioFree;
- APTR dtg_StartInt;
- APTR dtg_StopInt;
- APTR dtg_SongEnd; /* safe to call from interrupt code ! */
- APTR dtg_CutSuffix;
- /* ------ extension in revision 14 */
- APTR dtg_SetTimer; /* safe to call from interrupt code ! */
- /* ------ extension in revision 15 */
- APTR dtg_WaitAudioDMA; /* safe to call from interrupt code ! */
- /* ------ extension in revision 16 */
- APTR dtg_LockScreen;
- APTR dtg_UnlockScreen;
- APTR dtg_NotePlayer; /* safe to call from interrupt code ! */
- APTR dtg_AllocListData;
- APTR dtg_FreeListData;
- APTR dtg_Reserved1; /* do not use !!! */
- APTR dtg_Reserved2; /* do not use !!! */
- APTR dtg_Reserved3; /* do not use !!! */
- };
- #endif